About us

A specialist clinic in Orminge, Saltsjö-Boo, Nacka, Stockholm with solid experience and broad competence in the majority of surgical specialties. Read about our procedures here

"We offer specialist investigations and treatments in Stoma closure, Hernia, Obesity, Plastics, Biliary disorders, Urology, Gastrointestinal disorders including rectal disorders as well as operations for skin changes."

CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi strives to offer our patients a high degree of accessibility as well as a personal and professional care experience. We strongly believe that the human encounter is at the heart of outstanding care, which is why we have invested in an expert staff distinguished by long-term experience, outstanding clinical competence and excellent social skills.

Our high availability means that we work hard to be available when our patients need us the most. We understand that health problems cannot always be planned and we therefore strive to offer flexible booking options and short waiting times. We are dedicated to making our care as accessible as possible and to meeting the needs of our patients.

Our staff is the heart of our clinic. We are proud to have assembled a group of professional caregivers who possess in-depth knowledge in their specialty areas. Their extensive experience and impressive clinical credentials are essential to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care. But we don’t just believe in technical competence; we also place great emphasis on social competence. Our employees are well aware of the importance of creating a safe and empathetic environment for our patients. It is the human aspect of care that we consider just as important as the medical aspect.

In summary, CK Klinikerna – Surgery works to make our care as accessible and personal as possible. We understand the importance of the human encounter and are proud of our skilled staff who combine clinical expertise with strong social skills to ensure that every patient receives the care they deserve. We are ready and willing to stand by patients in their health-related challenges.

CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi is owned by Nacka Kirurgi AB, a subsidiary of the family company Carballos Klinic AB. Financial situation can be seen at all companies (https://www.allabolag.se/5592014145/nacka-kirurgi-ab).

Vision, Values Quality

CK Klinikerna – Surgery’s main goal is to realize and maintain the vision and core values that pervade the entire Carballo Klinic AB group. Our overarching motto, “Passion for Quality,” is our driving force and guiding principle that we strive to put into practice every day. This vision is rooted in our strong belief that high quality care is of utmost importance and that we must always strive to perform our work with precision and skill.

In order to realize our vision of high quality, we are aware that it requires accuracy in every step of our business. We are convinced that by performing the right actions at the right time, we can ensure that our patients receive the best care possible. To achieve this, we pay special attention to hiring and retaining competent personnel. Our employees are our most important asset and their knowledge and commitment are crucial to maintaining our high standard of care.

To ensure our quality assurance system, we are also engaged in a rigorous process to monitor and evaluate any deviations in our procedures. By carefully following up and analyzing deviations, we have the opportunity to identify areas where improvements can be made. This is a continuous process that is integrated into our daily operations.

Another important aspect of our quality drive is our use of the principles of “LEAN-Healthcare.” This methodology is a natural and central part of our business and helps us eliminate unnecessary waste of resources and inefficiencies. By applying the LEAN principles, we can increase efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time improve the quality of our care.

In summary, the vision and core values of CK Klinikerna – Surgery are strongly focused on delivering high-quality care to our patients. Working with passion and striving to always do the best in every aspect of our business, and using LEAN-Healthcare principles as our foundation, we are committed to meeting and exceeding our goals in terms of quality and patient care .

CK Klinikerna - Kirurgi, About us

At CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi, the patients’ well-being is our top priority in every step of our business. We strive to exceed their expectations and ensure a positive experience of care. Our professional approach is based on the principle that all individuals deserve respect and equal value, regardless of whether they are patients or employees. We recognize that our success is strongly linked to our employees’ competence and job satisfaction.

Because CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi performs healthcare services on behalf of several regions, including Region Stockholm, Region Uppsala, Region Norrbotten, Region Västernorrland and Region Östergötland, we closely follow their vision and core values. We prioritize openness, competence, reliability and cooperation in accordance with their guidelines. For detailed information on each region’s specific vision and values, we refer to the respective region’s official websites.

Our goal at CK Klinikerna – Surgery is to offer our patients high-quality and safe care with high availability. Our competent staff and exceptional interpersonal skills create an atmosphere of trust and confidence, leading to high patient and customer satisfaction. We treat our patients and their relatives with care and respect in every situation.

We take deviation reporting very seriously and use experiences from this work as a valuable resource to prevent future risks. Suggestions and complaints from our patients, their relatives and our own staff are taken seriously and used to continuously improve our work. We strive to provide care in adapted and hygienic premises that meet the highest medical technical and hygienic standards.

Through effective internal cooperation and good cooperation, CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi is a reliable and secure employer that invests in the staff’s skill development. At the same time, we ensure that we meet the client’s goals and comply with external laws and regulations. We strive to be a responsible player in healthcare and a reliable partner for our regions.