Quality Results

As a proud subcontractor to several leading regions in Sweden, including Region Stockholm, Region Uppsala, Region Västernorrland, Region Östergötland and Region Norrbotten, we place high demands on ourselves when it comes to maintaining systematic quality work. We understand the importance of offering high-quality care to our patients and of following the guidelines and standards prescribed by our partners in the regions.

Our systematic quality work involves careful and continuous monitoring of quality at all stages of our care process, from patient reception to treatment and the overall care of our patients. We use measurements and evaluations of various parameters to ensure that we deliver care of the highest standard and that we meet the high demands of our regions.

We are dedicated to being transparent in our quality work and our results will be presented on this page in the near future. By making our results publicly available, we demonstrate our commitment to striving for improvement and transparency. This also gives our patients and partners insight into our work and the results of our pursuit of the highest quality in care.

In summary, CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi works in close collaboration with our partner regions to ensure high-quality care and we carefully follow our systematic quality work. We look forward to sharing our results with you on this page and to continuing to strive to meet and exceed the high demands that our partners have placed on us.


Reception visit
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Waiting time for surgery
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Minor operations
0 st
Major operations
0 st
0 %

Quality policy

At CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi, we strive to offer our patients high-quality and safe care with an emphasis on accessibility. We believe that high-quality care is not only about technical competence, but also about creating positive interpersonal encounters that build trust and confidence in our patients and their relatives. We focus on the quality of care and patient satisfaction by showing care and respect in every interaction.

We are aware that experience from deviation management is valuable for preventing future risks. Therefore, we actively use the lessons we learn from deviation management to improve our care and our routines. We also welcome suggestions and complaints from our patients, their relatives and our own staff, and we see it as an opportunity to constantly develop and improve our business.

To ensure a high standard in our care environment, we ensure that our premises are fit for purpose and meet high hygienic and medical technology requirements. This is crucial to meet the needs of our patients and to create a safe and secure care environment.

We believe that internal collaboration and good collaboration are the key to success. CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi strives to be a good and safe employer that gives our staff the opportunity to develop and grow in their roles. At the same time, we meet the goals set by our clients and carefully follow external laws and requirements that govern our operations.

By working together, both internally and with external actors, CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi is determined to continuously strive for improvements, and we use the principles of LEAN Healthcare to streamline our care and our operations, always with the patient’s needs in focus. We are committed to providing the highest quality care experience and being a trusted partner in the health system.

Quality work

CK Klinikerna – Surgery actively strives to improve its quality work and aims to be certified according to ISO standard 9001 within the coming years. We are also aware of our environmental responsibility and work continuously to integrate environmental aspects into our operations.

The design of our quality management system is carefully adapted to the specific environment in which we operate, including the risks linked to our business and the environment in which we operate. We take into account our own needs and objectives, the processes we use and also our organizational size and structure when we design this system.

Our overall goal with our quality work is to ensure that we can continuously offer our patients high-quality and safe care with high availability. This is achieved by having a competent staff and by creating optimal interpersonal encounters that build trust and increase patient and customer satisfaction.

Our quality work also has a clear focus on supporting and improving the working environment for our team while we follow the goals set by our clients and comply with the external laws and requirements that govern our operations.

An important first step in this work is to structure and streamline our way of working. We focus on introducing joint documentation and clear documentation of instructions, processes and routines. This is a continuous process where we strive daily to identify and implement improvements to ensure the highest possible standard in our care.

In summary, CK Klinikerna – Kirurgi is committed to continuously improving our quality and working environment while we live up to our goals and meet the external demands placed on us. By actively working to structure and document our processes, we are ready to continue delivering high-quality care and meet our customers’ and patients’ expectations.

Environmental policy CK Klinikerna Kirurgi

We at CK Klinikerna Kirurgi are determined to play our part in preserving and protecting the environment. We realize that our operations can affect the planet in various ways, and we strive to minimize our environmental impact and promote sustainable development. Our environmental policy is an important part of our commitment to reducing our ecological footprint and creating a better future for our society and future generations.

Our commitments:

  1. Sustainable use of resources: We will use our resources, including energy, water and materials, efficiently and reduce unnecessary waste. We will consider alternative and more environmentally friendly materials and methods whenever possible.

  2. Energy saving: We strive to reduce our energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, lighting and climate systems. We also encourage our employees to be aware of energy consumption and participate in energy-saving measures.

  3. Recycling and waste management: We will reduce the amount of waste we generate by recycling and reusing materials whenever possible. We will also use safe and responsible methods to handle hazardous waste if it arises.

  4. Transport and travel: We will encourage our employees to use public transport, cycle or carpool to work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We will also offer telecommuting opportunities where possible to reduce the need for unnecessary travel.

  5. Education and awareness: We will educate our employees and encourage them to be aware of environmental issues and how they can help reduce our impact. We will also promote education and awareness among our patients and partners.

  6. Continuous improvement: We will strive to continuously improve our environmental performance by setting targets, measuring results and revising our methods and processes when necessary.

  7. Legal requirements and regulations: We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to environmental protection and health and safety.

We see this as a joint task and urge all our employees to commit to complying with this environmental policy. Together we can work for a better and more sustainable future for our society and our planet.

Read more about our Environmental Policy CK Klinikerna Kirurgi